As an artist I do a huge amount of work for free. This includes unpaid time spent writing applications and proposals, publicising and promoting my art events and preparation time for workshops and talks. If you have seen my work and enjoyed it or if you have experienced a talk or workshop that has been useful and you are looking for a way to say "Thank you!" perhaps you might consider making a donation. 

By sending donations to support my art practice or buying work from my shop you are helping to keep my practice alive, allowing me to invest more time into ideas generation and the formation of new, exciting events that you can come along to.


During the current crisis, for a limited time, if you choose to donate £5 or more you will receive a special, extremely limited edition 'Thank You' postcard. Like so many people in the creative sector, a significant portion of my income has been cancelled suddenly and indefinitely. Artists, writers, musicians and performers are now relying upon support from one another to get them through. If you are in a position to be able to support my practice during this time, I want you to know that I will be eternally thankful for that. I am designing the special, limited edition postcards and I intend to send them out when the crisis has ended.